Charitable Giving
Unfortunately, there is an ugly connection between PTSD and homelessness.
Ask any veteran, they will tell you that when veterans get released from military service, transitioning back to civilian life takes a lot of adjustment.
Things like having to select a new profession, obtaining health care, or even adapting to the civilian world's social norms are an enormous learning curve.
Unfortunately, many of our veterans do not receive support during this transition, which increases their risk of homelessness.
Where you aware that in April 2019, the U.S. had a homeless population of approximately 67,000* veterans?
Research explains that the most common causes of homelessness among veterans are:
Disabilities – physical injury or mental illnessSubstance abuse – drug abuse or alcoholismFamily breakdownJoblessness and povertyLack of low-cost housingPost-traumatic stress disorder
Among these causes, post-traumatic stress disorder, generally referred to as PTSD, may be the leading cause for veteran homelessness.
PTSD is a disorder that affects almost eight adults for every 100 in the U.S. alone.
Vets with traumatic brain injuries, also referred to as TBI, have an increased risk of developing PTSD, anger issues, substance abuse, and other life-controlling problems.
As a result, many unknown, additional misfortunes may result as veterans struggle to deal with the illness.
While most people can handle the stress of varying natures throughout our lives, veterans have a higher chance of suffering from PTSD for a more extended period. Typically this is due to the nature of their previous work in the armed forces.
Without intervention or outside help, this disorder may eventually affect the relationships these veterans have with those closest to them, making it even more difficult for them to seek support.
Some of the very issues that veterans may be struggling with, alcohol, drug abuse, antisocial behavior, or lack of trust, can hinder them from being admitted into shelters.
All of these are the reasons why Stonedvet is stepping up to help struggling veterans.
If you're asking, How can we help?
The transition of struggling veterans back to civilian life will be smoother if they are provided an opportunity to overcome challenges in a supportive atmosphere.
That's why Stonedvet will be donating 25% of all annual proceeds to help and their mission of helping veterans.
Houses for Warriors understand the complications of war, PTSD, substance abuse, housing instability, and more. They have designed the Warrior House Program to address these issues specifically.
By providing veterans a unique safe and caring environment, they can deliver life-changing success with proper discipline that veterans need.
We believe that Houses for Warriors is on the right track to putting an end to veteran homelessness.
Help us help them by purchasing some cool gear today!